On the heals of what appeared to be a "green light" Monday from the EU bureaucrats on it's $7.4 billion acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Oracle reported better-than-expected second quarter sales and profit Thursday.
According to a Jeffries & Co. analyst, there appears to be a recovering market for corporate software and the second quarter for Oracle was a turning point that signals enterprise spending on software is really starting to improve.
As a one-time employee and continued supporter of Sun Microsystems, a company among the leading technology innovators in the business, I hope this week's news is a good omen for Sun. If Ellison is correct in his September statement that Sun has been losing $100 million a month, employees, shareholders and customers alike will be well served under an Oracle change in control early next year.
Scale AI faces probe amid allegations that it’s underpaying its data
labeling contractors
The data labeling startup Scale AI Inc. is being investigated by the U.S.
Department of Labor, amid suspicions that it’s violating the Fair Labor